17.10.2007 | 17:17
Uppáhalds ljóðið mitt úr bókinni the wings of joy
You will grow into Gods greatest blessing, His highest pride.
Yesterdays world wants you to enjoy its surrendering breath. Todays world wants you to enjoy its surrendered breath. Tomorrows world wants you to enjoy its fulfilling breath.
Be happy in the morning with what you have. Be happy in the evening with what you are.
Do not complain. Who complains? The blind beggar in you. When you complain, you dance in the mire of ignorance. When you do not complain, all conditions of the world are at your feet, and God gives you a new name: aspiration. Aspiration is the supreme wealth in the world of light and delight.
Do you want never to be poor? Then be happy. Do you want ever to be great? Then be happy.
You will get what you like most. You will get what you like best.
God sees in you His aspiring creation. His transforming realization, His illumining revelation, and His fulfilling manifestation.
Be happy! God sees in you another God. God sees you as another God. God sees you and Him as one. - Sri Chinmoy Be Happy
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Hæ Linda. Mér finnst þetta fræbært ljóð. Guð Blessi Þig.
Vertu glð, brosandi og kærlesrík.
Þormar Helgi Ingimarsson, 17.10.2007 kl. 23:34
ja ég skal vera það heiti samt inga ekki linda haha
Ingibjörg, 18.10.2007 kl. 00:47
Hann Chinmoy fer með orðið. Bókin er líka mjög fín.
Guðmundur Helgi Helgason (IP-tala skráð) 18.10.2007 kl. 00:51
jamm ,já mér finnst hún mjög góð ég ætlaði að tala við þig á msn en næ aldrey að logga mig inn eitthvað bilað ég tala bara við þig seinna þegar etta lagast :)
Ingibjörg, 18.10.2007 kl. 10:05
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.