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"2 You Must Desire That Above All Else

2  You Must Desire That Above All Else
God Come First In Your Life
pg 2
a strong river

What is the way out? How can you make the most of your fleet years? Desire God above all else — and be constant in that one desire. In this fixity of purpose, goodness will fill your life. In becoming fulfilled in your most central desire, many other important desires are often satisfied as well. Above all, if you do not put God and higher consciousness first, you will never be able to find them.

In entering the Master/Initiate relationship, fully understand that your main desire must be God. Be so dedicated you will never divert your mind and heart until God is truly established throughout your life as the Lord of all. (It should be noted here that the word "Lord" is not meant to limit those who seek to realize the Absolute or Nirvana. In this case, the seeker agrees that the Absolute, or Nirvana, gets the most priority and this focus is discussed with the Master.)

3  Obedience

You, as an initiate, agree to obey the Master regarding:

A) Your spiritual practices and other activities relating to your spiritual growth. (For example, your studies or your constancy in faith and good will.) Such instructions from your Master rarely intrude on your family life or career. If you have any questions about what you are expected to obey, talk with your Master before you seek initiation.

B) Your character. Your Master must have your cooperation in helping you overcome character flaws — or forget about higher consciousness. He must have the freedom to correct your inappropriate behavior if and when he sees fit. Remember, he loves you and has good will for you. The error in consciousness in back of the flaw he mentions is apparently very significant because he chooses to mention it. It’s important you be appreciative and thankful for his corrections, although your ego may rise up against the whole process. Your ego and ignorance, after all, are the villains of this teamwork.

Appreciative obedience is one of the most important qualifications.

The fourth qualification is...

4  Persistent Asking

Usually you have to ask to be an initiate many times before you are accepted. The practice of persistent asking gives you a chance to reconsider, to pull out, or to explore other avenues before you enter into a relationship so profoundly eternal.

That is, the Lord himself creates and sustains a Master/Initiate relationship. It’s correct to infer that if you spurn the Master, you are spurning the Lord who sustains both the Master and your own soul, the divinity abiding within you. Nothing is more serious. No cancer or broken back can ever as deeply affect the fulfillment of your whole being as much as an initiate’s spurning of the Master.

As some enlightened initiates have declared, "Beloved Master, here at your feet is my only hope." They were speaking from their higher consciousness. They knew the significance of abiding in the love and instruction of the Master.

So, persistent asking enables each candidate who is considering being initiated to think about the matter very deeply and seriously. Perhaps, at your present point of advancement, you may decide it’s best not to seek entrance into so sacred and important a relationship. Initiation may not be appropriate. You may not be able to fulfill your part of the teamwork.

On the other hand, persistently asking the Master for initiation and the Master/Initiate relationship may help make your mind and heart more certain. You can sense your soul’s wisdom as you ponder. Your frequent prayers help you weigh factors buried deep in your psyche. As weeks go by, you deal with your doubts and anxieties about initiation. During the period of asking you get to know the Master better. You can also analyze how much priority you truly place on your spiritual path — and how strong your devotion really is.

The fifth qualification is...

5  Readiness to Abide in the Consciousness of the Master

The Master/Initiate relationship, as we have said, is primarily a spiritual relationship. While it is desirable to be in the physical presence of your Master whenever you can, his physical presence will not replace the more important factor: living day in, day out, sensing the presence of the spirit, consciousness, love, and blessings of your Master.

at the lakesideIn considering your qualifications for higher consciousness, the Master needs to see indications you will remain in attunement with him wherever you happen to be. Over the years it may not be possible — due to your schedule or his — for you to be physically in his presence every week. Some Masters have to do much traveling or observe long periods of solitude. Nevertheless, the Master/Initiate relationship needs to be maintained so well that it grows and grows. Your part is done primarily through keeping the Master in your thoughts, sensing his love and guidance in your heart. You must be willing and able to do this however far away you may be from him physically. Wherever you go and whatever your activities in life, you feel your Master is there beside you or within you. You live in the progressive sense of the nearness of your Master.

The sixth qualification is...

© 2000 Mystic World Fellowship

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Enlightened People In Christianity
Spiritual Masters are common in Christianity as well. Christ, in addition to being the redeemer of humanity, functioned also as Guru; He awakened his disciples and others to God’s glory. Study of his life and relationships with his disciples will give you much help if you are seeking to understand the nature of the transference of higher consciousness and the awareness of God. It’s extremely beneficial to study the Gospel of John in this light.

Detailed study of many Catholic saints such as Vincent de Paul is also very helpful in becoming familiar with this phenomenon of "awakening" in the field of higher consciousness. Vincent de Paul became one of the greatest human beings ever to walk the earth. A priest who had been through many heroic experiences, he had been much honored, even in Rome; he appeared a man of God — "doing the right things," living in a way appropriate to a priest. He, however, really beheld huge obstacles within his own mind and heart.

Vincent observed his life did not fully accept or reflect the presence of the Lord. Over the years he observed a priest named Father Berulle who showed every evidence of being deeply intimate with Christ. The life of Father Berulle was an inspiration. One day Vincent beseeched Father Berulle to become his, Vincent’s, personal spiritual guide. He said he recognized Jesus Christ expressing and moving in the good priest’s life, thoughts, and words. Vincent, after pressing his request with intensity, was accepted by the humble Father Berulle. Vincent pledged himself in complete obedience to the senior priest. He pledged to do whatever Father Berulle would ask of him, knowing that Father Berulle’s instructions would be as Christ would give them and would be very specific in terms of Vincent’s daily walk with God.

Vincent then lived for years doing exactly what...

© 2000 Mystic World Fellowship

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god comes first

1  Unconditional Love

Unless the initiate and Master have unconditional love for one another, there will not be enough love in the relationship for the achievement of the initiate’s ultimate goals. Knowing this, you have to thoroughly consider whether you can strive to commit your love, unconditionally and totally, to your Master. While only a realized person can truly give unconditional love, you, a candidate for initiation, agree to try — day in, day out — with your very utmost, to practice unconditional love. In developing unconditional love for the Master, you become so changed and so giving that you are purified enough to receive the total and awesome love God and the Master have for you. Your giving becomes a great receiving. But unless you can love, you cannot be filled.

rainbow over a lakeThe Master is not a god. He is a human being who has been so changed by the Lord that the Lord can use him as a servant, as your awakener. Thus, your Master, being human, will have flaws and personal likes and dislikes which an unloving initiate may condemn. Through ill will, an unloving devotee grows into an antagonist. If you wish to be a true and successful initiate, you determine, prior to initiation, that you are not going to aim any ill will at your good Master. Rather, you will be vigilant and careful that no ill will ever go out from your mind, heart, or words against your chosen source of transforming love. This yearning to be constant in love for God and the Master is the ideal of all true initiates.



2  You Must Desire That Above All Else
God Come First In Your Life

While it is impossible for an aspirant to focus perfectly on God every day, your focus must become continual. Your ego or daily circumstances cannot ever be allowed to overtake or undermine the priority that God come first. Even when you fail to do this, you must pick yourself up and direct your life Godward once again.

In entering the Master/Initiate relationship, you must fully understand that you will never give up.

Divergent desires will flood your mind. Whichever desire preoccupies you usually dictates your mood and actions toward fulfillment of that desire. Perhaps yesterday you wanted a new career. Today, you feel you need a new car or different friends, perhaps great fame, or no, a mushroom pizza will do. For now. Your desires for others, your children, your colleagues, your countrymen, flood into your thoughts and emotions, too. Most people are a mass of desires — each desire an anarchist dominating for a brief time. Because of the tremendous number of desires — and their constant conflict — you find it difficult to fulfill most of them. Possibly, you cannot accomplish even your most important desires due to the sabotage of other conflicting desires.


litli aš byrja i skola

ohhh hvaš mér lišur skringilega eg er aš fara a fund i dag foreldrafund litli naggurinn aš byra i skola eg held eg se stressašari en hann žetta er erfitt stundum aš vera ekki til stašar og passa upp  hann vęri alveg til i aš fa mer vinnu i skolanum bara svo eg geti fylgst meš hahaha ein supermamma no one mess with my son Police fį bara vinnu viš aš fylgjast meš litlu krökkunum uti i frimó žį liši mer miklu betur kannski eg tjekki bara a žessu jęja eg žarf aš fara punta mig nuna verš aš leggja af staš hitta kennarann sijaa

i gegnum drauma er mér svaraš

ég er svo žakklat fyrir žaš hvernig guš synir mér hvernig ég į aš bišja ég baš hann aš syna mér žaš įšur en ég for aš sofa ég biš alltaf en undanfariš finnst mér eins og ég bišji alltaf  žaš sama en i draumi baš ég svo innilega ég öskraši af öllum krafti styrkurinn var svo mikill ég var buin aš gleyma žvi aš ég baš innilegar ašur fyrr hann er svo nalęgur  dag alltaf get eg fundiš navist hans ég er svo fegin žvi

vištal viš viking

Framtķšarlandiš mitt: Vķkingur Heišar Ólafsson PDFPrentaRafpóstur
Skrifaš af Višari Žorsteinssyni   
12. Mar. 07
Vķkingur Heišar ÓlafssonVķkingur Heišar Ólafsson pķanóleikari hlaut veršlaun sem flytjandi įrsins į sķšustu afhendingu Ķslensku tónlistarveršlaunanna. Hann stundar nś nįm ķ pķanóleik viš hinn virta Juilliard tónlistarskóla ķ New York. Framtķšarlandinu lék hugur į aš kynnast sżn žessa unga listamanns į Framtķšarlandiš Ķsland.

Nafn: Vķkingur Heišar Ólafsson

Fęšingarįr: 1984

Framtķšarlandiš mitt:
Ķ framtķšarlandinu óttumst viš ekki žögnina heldur föšmum hana. Óžörf orš eru ósögš lįtin. Fyrsta mķnśta hverrar klukkustundar er žagnarmķnśta. Žį sameinast allir ķ lķkamlegri slökun og innhverfri hugleišslu ķ leit aš kyrrš og jafnvęgi og snśa til baka ķ endurnżjušum tengslum viš sinn innsta kjarna.
Viš lifum ķ mešvitund um karma lögmįliš – elskum hvort annaš skilyršislaust og įlķtum žaš mest okkar eigin gęfu aš fį aš hjįlpa öšrum. Viš höfum fyrir löngu misst įhugann į stanslausum samanburši viš ašra žvķ viš höfum séš hundraš milljón dęmi um fullkomiš vanhęfi efnishyggjunnar aš skapa okkur žį vęngi sem viš öll žrįum.

bśin aš taka akvoršun

um aš vera karlmannslaus allt mitt lif óžęgileg tifinning en ég held hśn sé žaš besta sem ég get gert til žess aš halda mig viš hugleišslu og losa mig viš langanir minar nei vįįį hvaš mér lišur illa aš skrifa žetta einhver hręšsla i gangi greinilega ef eg kynnist gošum heilum manni sem er aš gera žaš sama og eg žį gęti eg skipt um skošun en eg veit žaš ekki annars ég gęti žį allavega profaš rekiš mig afur į kannski žarf ég į žvi aš halda ég efast um aš ég verši hamingju söm meš karlmanni held aš eg verši žaš bara ef eg gef guši og syni minum mest allan minn tima

framtišarplaniš mitt /įhuginn 1 til 10

1 )hugleišslunįmskeiš hjį eymundi  10

2 )finna fallegt husnęši į fyrstu hęš 10

3 )dans /kramhśsiš 10

4 )lķkamsękt 3svar ķ viku 10

5 )kung fu fyrir soninn meš innifalinni hugleišslu förum saman i žaš 10 fyrir hann 8 mig

6)hętta aš reykja/tungurótar töflur og dropana :) 10

7)lęra song hjį heru /helgarnamskeiš 10

8 )matreišslunįmskeiš sollu 8

9 )finna mér tima į hverjum degi til aš hugleiša 10

10 )lęra einkažjalfarann 10

11)jogakennarann 10

21 juli

ja mig hlakkar svo til aš fara ut samt var e aš spa i aš fara frekarmeš islensku hjalparstarfi frekar en breska eg er eitthvaš smeik viš žaš .žaš gęti veriš verra i sambandi viš tryggingar og svona og lika bara minna öryggi mamma var eitthvaš aš benda mer a hvort žaš vęri ekki snišugra aš fara i hugleišslusetur frekar eg var aš spa i žvi fyrst žaš er svoldiš mikiš aš vera burtu i manš fra straknum minum hef veriš ašur fra honum i 1 og halfan og hann var alveg onytur eg held eg gęti ekki sętt mig viš žaš ef hann yrši sar saknaši min mikiš a mešan eg vęri uti hann gęti tekiš žvi žannig aš mer findist börnin uti vera meira virši en hann eg žarf aš spa mikiš i žessu žaš vęri skynsamlegra aš fara ut i 2 vikur a hugleišslusetur

indland aaaaaaaaaaaa

ég er ekkert smį anęgš eg er aš fara til indlands eftir 2 til 3 manuši gaman mig hefur dreymt um aš fara i 10 ar nuna er komiš aš žvi samt er eg meš sma samviskubit aš fara fra straknum minum i manuš en eg get ekki sleppt öllu žvi sem mig langar aš gera i lifinu af žvi eg a barn hann er nu ršin sex ara og veršur hja ömmu og afa žaš veršur bara fint vona aš allt gangi bara vel

sri chinmoy

“You can change your life. You need not wait years or even months for this change. It begins the moment you dive into the sea of spirituality. Try to live the life of spiritual discipline for a day, a single day. You are bound to succeed.”
~ Sri Chinmoy (1)

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