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How to Find What You Love to Do

In 2005, I posted an inspirational commencement speech by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and Pixar Animation Studios, that advised the new graduates to do what they love to do, because life is too short to do anything else.

Along those lines, the motivating article linked below can help you to find out what it is that you love to do, with concrete, step-by-step instructions.

It involves not only figuring out what you love to do, but also what you enjoy that fits in with your skills and provides value to people (so you can actually make money doing it.)

Another key?

Writing your intentions down. Writing down your goals, as opposed to just thinking them, can make them 80 percent more likely to come true.

A large portion of your time here on this planet will be spent working, so it really is worth taking the time to make your dreams a reality. Making a living doing something you enjoy is a key component of a happy, peaceful, productive life.

BrianKim.net July 17, 2007

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Related Articles:

  Do What You Love: Time is Too Short to do Anything Else ...

 20 Ways to Find, Sustain amd Share Happiness

 Interesting Thoughts About the Pursuit of Happiness

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