Bloggfærslur mánaðarins, janúar 2008

Mega bleikt draumahús

draumahusið mittNewY09minnkuðpassa húsin ekki vel við mig :) ekkert lítið hallærisleg mynd af mér hihi tók hana ekki sjálf tek það fram .ég hélt voða mikið upp á þessa húfu sem ég gerði fyrir einu ári siðan af því þetta var fyrsta húfan sem ég hef prjónað .'Anægð með að geta loksins klárað eitthvað á minni ævi sem var húfa W00ten í leiðinni lýsir vel bleiku geðveikinni sem ég er búin að koma mér í .Aldrey þoldi ég bleikan lit ég sá allt rautt þegar einhverjum datt í hug að klæðast bleiku.En einn daginn gerðist eithvað eftir margra ára hatur mér fór að líka við bleiktGaspveit ekki afhverju og skil það ekki heldur.Þannig núna er ég með bleikt sturtuhengi ,bleik handklæði,bleika mottu,og inni í svefnherbergi bleik gluggatjöld ,og núna langar mér að mála svefnherbergið ljósbleikt og mig langar að eignast bleikt hús eins og er á myndunum hér fyrir ofan ,hvað er að gerast Undecidedég bara spyr þetta er ekkert lítið grunsamlegt sko og svo já líka þá langar mig í svona hans og grétu sumarbústað ég væri allavega voða vinsæl þá hjá yngri kynslóðinni :)bell hoysffpink-house-smallvá svona pakka vil égohhhhInLove þetta hús mun einhver gefa mér í afmælisgjöf einn daginn, i wish  Halobfanton_5459house3NewY09og svo ef ég verð ekki efnaðari en ég er í dag þá gæti ég kannski eignast þetta hús það væri alveg nóg líkalitið pink haousallavega bleikt :)og svo væri sniðugt að fá sér bleikt hjól í stíl svona til að toppa þetta PinkBikegæti átt nokkur til tilbreytingarpink-bikeég þarf ekkert að efast um það að verða kölluð Inga klikk ef draumurinn verður að veruleika ætli einhver myndi vilja giftast mérShocking


Who is the founder of Hinduism?

Hinduism has no founder, it developed out of Brahminism.

Hinduism is the oldest religion, it may date to prehistoric times.

What is the symbol of Hinduism?

Aum is the main symbol of Hinduism. It is the sound heard in deepest meditation and is said to be the name most suited for God.

See photographs of other symbols of Hinduism

Where does the name Hindu come from?

The word "Hindu" comes from the name of the river Indus, which flows 1800 miles from Tibet through Kashmir and Pakistan to the sea.

How is Hinduism different from other faiths?

Hinduism has no founder, single teacher nor any prophets.
Hinduism is not a Single Religion. Hinduism is the practices of a variety of different religious groups which come out of India.

What do Hindus believe?

For many Hindus, religion is a matter of practice rather than of beliefs. It's more what you do, than what you believe. Hindus believe in a universal soul or God called Brahman. Brahman takes on many forms that some Hindus worship as gods or goddesses in their own right. Hindus believe that there is a part of Brahman in everyone and this is called the Atman.

Hindus believe in reincarnation - a belief that the soul is eternal and lives many lifetimes, in one body after another. The soul is sometimes born in a human body, sometimes in an animal body and sometimes in a plant body etc.. Hindus believe that all forms of life contain a soul, and all souls have the chance to experience life in different forms.

Samsara means going through the cycle of repeated births and deaths (reincarnation). Hindus believe that existence of this cycle is governed by Karma.

What is Karma?

Hindus believe that the soul passes through a cycle of successive lives and its next incarnation is always dependent on how the previous life was lived. (Similar to Buddhist beliefs) Karma is the cause of our particular destiny. Misfortunes in our present life are the result of acts that we have committed in the past. In the same way, our actions in our present lives will determine our fate in the lives that follow. Hindus therefore aim to live in a way that will cause each of their lives to be better than the life before.

What is Moksha?

The spiritual goal of a Hindu is to become one with Brahma. This freedom is referred to as moksha. Until moksha is achieved, a Hindu believes that he/she will be repeatedly reincarnated in order that he/she may work towards self-realization of the truth (the truth being that only Brahman exists, nothing else).

What is the Hindu way of life?

For many Hindus there are four goals in human life (purusharthas);

1 Moksha - the release of the soul (Atman) from the cycle of rebirth.
The individual soul (Atman) unites with Brahman the universal soul. There are different ways to Moksha.
  • spiritual - involves acquiring spiritual knowledge through yoga and meditation. devotion to god
  • working selflessly for the good of society.

How a person is reincarnated is determined by karma.

2 Dharma - the code for leading one's life.
Respect for elders is considered important and many consider marriage as a son's religious duty.

3 Artha - the pursuit of material gain by lawful means.

4 Karma- through pure acts, knowledge and devotion, you can reincarnate to a higher level. The opposite achieves the contrary result.

How do Hindus achieve Moksha?

There are four different paths to achieve Moksha which a Hindu can take.

The Hindu can choose one or all four of the paths they are:

1 The path of knowledge - Jnana-Yoga

Spiritual knowledge -leading to the knowledge of the relationship between the soul (atman) and God (Brahman)

2 The path of meditation - Dhyana-yoga

The idea is to concentrate so you can reach the real self within you and become one with Brahman

3 The Path of Devotion - Bhakti-yoga

Choosing a particular god or goddess and worshipping them throughout your life in actions, words and deeds.

4 The path of good works - Karma-yoga

This involves doing all your duties correctly throughout your life.

Why are there so many Hindu Gods?

Hindus actually only believe in one God, Brahman, the eternal origin who is the cause and foundation of all existence. The gods of the Hindu faith represent different forms of Brahman. These gods are sent to help people find the universal God (Brahman).

Most Hindus have a personal god or godess such as Shiva, Krishna or Lakshmi to whom they pray regularly.

The three most important Hindu gods are:

Brahma - known as the Creator.
Vishnu - Known as the Preserver
Shiva (Siva)- known as the Destroyer.

Other Hindu gods include:

Saraswathi - Goddess of Wisdom - Wife of Lord Brahma. (Description)
Saraswathi is the Hindu goddess of knowledge, music and all the creative arts.

Lakshmi - Goddess of Wealth - Wife of Lord Vishnu. (Description)
GaneshaLakshmi is the goddess of light, beauty, good fortune and wealth.

Parvati - Goddess Sakthi - Wife of Lord Shiva

Ganesha - Son of Shiva and Parvati. (Description)
The Hindu god in a human form but with the head of an elephant.(pictured right)

Pictures and descriptions of Hindu Gods

Images of Hindu Gods

What is the Hindu place of Worship?

Most Hindus worship (puja) every day at home and have a shrine there. A shrine can be anything from a room, a small altar or simply pictures or statues. Family members often worship together.At the shrine, Hindus make offerings to a murti. A murti is a sacred stautue of God, or a god or goddess.

The Hindu building for communal worship is called Mandir (Hindu Temple). The temples are dedicated to different gods and are the focus of religious life. Outside India, people mainly gather at the mandir at the weekend.

Worshippers repeat the names of their favourite gods, goddesses, and the mantras. Water, fruit, flowers and incense are offered to the gods.

What is Hinduism's Holy book?

Hinduism does not just have one sacred book but several scriptures. The Vedas scriptures guide Hindus in their daily life. They also help to preserve the religious dimensions of family and society. Hindus have developed their system of worship and beliefs from the scriptures.

The most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu religion are written in Sanskrit and called the Vedas.

There are two main categories of the Hindu scriptures:

  • Shruti ("that which is heard") consists of the four Vedas and Upanishads scriptures.
  • Smriti ("that which is remembered") composed of traditional texts, including the Dharma Shastras (legal and ethical texts), the Puranas, and the folk/historical legends known as the Mahabharata and Ramayana.

The Hindu Holy Scriptures are mainly comprised of the following works written in the Sanskrit language:

1. The Vedas Rg-Veda (Rigveda), Yajur-Veda, Sama-Veda, Atharva-Veda (see further down )

2. The Upanisads - These consider the nature of the individual soul (Atman) and the universal soul (Brahman.) One of the Upanishads contains the earliest reference to the reincarnation of the soul in different bodies (transmigration) of the soul.  

3. The Smrutis - (‘tradition) are the Laws of Manu (250 BC)

4. Ramayana - Contains the story of Rama and his devoted wife Sita. She is kidnapped by the demon king Ravana but is later freed by Rama with the help of the monkey god Hanuman. The poem is about how good will always triumph over evil and Rama and Sita are held up as role models for the perfect husband and wife.

5. Mahabharata - An epic poem telling the story of a war between two branches of a family. The Bhagavad-Gita forms part of this and means "The Song of God."

6. The Puranas - A collection of ancient tales about the different incarnations and the lives of saints.

What are the Vedas?

The Vedas are the oldest religious texts in Hinduism. The word Veda means knowledge. It is believed that the Vedas were orally revealed by Brahma to certain sages, who heard them and passed them down in an oral tradition. They were not written down; in fact this was prohibited. Because of this earliest oral tradition continuing even now when the Vedas are available in the written form, the Vedas are still known to be Sruti or shruti - ' that which is heard '.

The Vedas are mainly comprised of of hymns or mantras written in the Sanskrit language. They cover various subjects, from nature to everyday life and behaviour, and form the basis of all other religious writings. The books are so special that they are often kept in glass cases.

The four Vedas are:

  • Rg-Veda (Rigveda) - The oldest and holiest Veda.
  • Yajur-Veda
  • Sama-Veda
  • Atharva-Veda

Each Veda is divided into four sections:

  • The Samhitas - The oldest portion - Contains the mantras and hymns The Brahmanas - The ritualistic teachings - They are written in prose and explain the hymns. The Aranyakas - The meditational section
  • The Upanishads - The mystic and philosophical. They consider the nature of the individual soul (Atman) and the universal soul (Brahman.) One of the Upanishads contains the earliest reference to the reincarnation of the soul in different bodies (transmigration) of the soul.  

The Vedas are the law. Most beliefs, concepts, and ceremonies are based on information contained in the Vedas.

What are the practicies of Hindus?

There are three basic practices:

1 Worship

This is an integral part of the faith. Offerings (puja) are usually made to representations of the gods.

2 Cremation

The dead are burnt not buried

3 Compliance with the rules of the caste system

The caste system is the way society is divided into different groups. Each group has rules of conduct to be obeyed. Caste is a matter of birth. You cannot apply to become a member of another caste and a change of job won't affect it. Change can only come about by re birth and the caste into which you are born depends on the acts committed in your previous life ( Khama).

Is pilgrimage an important aspect of Hindusim?

Yes, pilgrimage is important to Hindus.

What are the popular pilgrimage places?

Popular pilgrimage places are rivers, temples, mountains, and other sacred sites in India. As these are sites where the gods may have appeared or become manifest in the world.

No One Can Prevent You From Thinking about god

A little girl was playing with her toys. Her mother came into her
bedroom and said, "It is high time for you to come and eat. Stop
playing with your toys at once!"

The little girl did not pay any attention to her mother. She
continued playing and playing. So the mother became angry. She took
away all the toys and put the child straight to bed, saying, "You
never listen to me! You are so disobedient. Today I shall punish you.
I will not give you anything to eat."

Strangely enough, the little girl was not crying at all. She said to
her mother, "Do not give me any food then. I do not have to eat." In
silence the mother left the room.

When the father came home from work, he started looking for his
daughter. "Where has the child gone?" he asked his wife.

"She is in bed," said the mother.

"What happened?" the father asked.

"Our daughter is so naughty. She has become so disobedient. I
repeatedly asked her to come and eat, come and eat. She would not
listen to me. So I took away all her toys and put her to bed without
giving her any food. In this way, she will become very hungry and she
will learn to come and eat when I call her. I am teaching her

The little girl was lying in bed. Her father entered the room and
asked sympathetically, "What has happened? What has happened?

She replied, "Nothing has happened. I am still thinking what I was

"What do you mean you are thinking what you were thinking?" asked the
The little girl started to reply, "I am thinking!" but her father

"You do not have to eat?"

"No," she said, "I do not have to eat."

"Then you do not feel sad that all your toys were removed?"

"No, I do not feel sad," she replied.

"Why?" he asked curiously.

"Because I am still thinking the same thing," explained the little
girl. "Whatever I was thinking before, I am now thinking. And this
thought is giving me so much joy. Mother can prevent me from eating.
She can prevent me from playing, but she cannot prevent me from

"What are you thinking?" asked her father, at last.
"I am thinking that some day I will be God's most favourite child. I
will become a good child and then I will be God's favourite. That
thought my mother cannot take away from me."

Her father was so deeply moved. He said, "Today you have taught me
something. From you I have learnt the Message of God."

At that moment the mother entered the room. When the father told her
what their daughter was thinking, she embraced the child. Both the
parents said to their daughter, "Do not stop thinking this precious
thought. We shall follow you. What you are thinking, we shall also
try to think. You have taught us what to think of in life."


Heilræði móður teresu

Heilræði Móður Teresu:

   “Fólk er oft ósanngjarnt, óskynsamt og eigingjarnt:
~ Fyrirgefðu því, þrátt fyrir það.

   Ef þú sýnir öðrum góðvild, mun fólk hugsanlega ásaka þig
   um sjálfselsku og annarlegar hvatir:
~ Sýndu öðrum góðvild, þrátt fyrir það.

   Njótir þú velgengni munt þú eignast einhverja falska vini og raunverulega óvini:
~ Stefndu að velgengni, þrátt fyrir það.

   Heiðarleiki og hreinskilni geta gefið höggstað á þér:
~ Vertu heiðarleg(ur) og hreinskilin(n), þrátt fyrir það.

   Það sem tekur þig mörg ár að byggja upp, gæti einhver eyðilagt á einum degi:
~ Byggðu upp, þrátt fyrir það.

   Það góða sem þú gerir í dag, gleymir fólk oft á morgun:
~ Haltu áfram að gera góðverk, þrátt fyrir það.

   Þótt þú gefir heiminum það besta sem þú sem þú átt, verður það aldrei nóg:
~ Haltu áfram að gefa heiminum það besta sem þú átt, þrátt fyrir það.

   Sjáðu til, þegar allt kemur til alls, er þetta á milli þín og Guðs:
~ Það var aldrei á milli þín og þeirra, þrátt fyrir allt.”

Heilræði heilags Padre Pio

“Við verðum að muna að trúin er mesta gjöfin
sem Guð hefur boðið manni á þessari jörð,
því að úr jarðneskum manni verður til þegn Himnaríkis.
Við skulum gæta þessarar gjafar af mikilli kostgæfni.
Vei þeim sem gleymir sér; sem gleymir Himnaríki;
þeim sem leyfir trúnni að dofna;
eða það sem verra er, afneitar trú sinni.
Þetta er mesta lítilsvirðing sem hægt er að sýna Guði.”

Friðarbæn (Hl. Frans frá Assisi)

Drottinn, ger þú mig að farvegi friðar þíns, svo að ég færi kærleika þangað sem hatur er, fyrirgefningu þangað sem móðgun er, einingu þangað sem sundrung er, trú þangað sem efi er, sannleika þangað sem villa er, von þangað sem örvænting er, gleði þangað sem harmur er, ljós þangað sem skuggi er.
Veit þú, Drottinn, að ég sækist fremur eftir að hugga en láta huggast, skilja en njóta skilnings, elska en vera elskaður, því að okkur gefst ef við gefum, við finnum sjálf okkur ef við gleymum okkur sjálfum, okkur fyrirgefst ef við fyrirgefum og fyrir dauðann fæðumst við til eilífs lífs.


ég mér markmið  á síðasta ári sem ég ætlaði að standa við sem leit svona út


framtiðarplanið mitt /áhuginn 1 til 10

1 )hugleiðslunámskeið   10 (búið)

2 )finna fallegt husnæði á fyrstu hæð 10(fann ekki flyt aftur í sama)

3 )dans /kramhúsið 10

4 )líkamsækt 3svar í viku 10(fór í 1 mánuð :)

5 )kung fu fyrir soninn með innifalinni hugleiðslu förum saman i það 10 fyrir hann 8 mig

6)hætta að reykja/tungurótar töflur og dropana :) 10 (hætt)

7)læra song hjá heru /helgarnamskeið 10

8 )matreiðslunámskeið sollu 8

9 )finna mér tima á hverjum degi til að hugleiða 10 (náði ekki að hugleiða daglega bara fyrstu 3 mánuðina svo óreglulega)

10 )læra einkaþjalfarann 10

11)jogakennarann 10

 já þá þarf ég að klára þetta árið 2008 sem ég gat ekki klárað 2007 :)samt hef ég ekki lengur áhuga á  söng og kung fu stroka það bara út




jammm núna er ég að fara flytja á stað sem er ekkert net Gaspég fæ smá hroll við tilhugsunina en samt ánægð á þann hátt að ég vil ekki eyða svona miklum tíma  í tölvu eins og ég hef gert .allt í lagi að kikja í tölvuna 1 til 3 svar sinnum í viku .'Eg hef löngun í að eyða tímanum í eitthvað viturlegra eins og hugleiða meira, hreyfa mig meira,teikna,mála,lesa,taka myndir,bara skapa mér gott og fallegt líf .'Eg geri mér grein fyrir því að það er bara ég sem get skapað mér gott líf .'Eg get ekki beðið eftir að það breytist ef ég geri ekkert sjálf.'Eg þurfti svoldið langan tíma til að fatta það ég beið alltaf eftir að verða hamingjusöm án þess að gera neitt í því. ekkert gasalega sniðugtHappy.


Þannig núna er ég að fara í fína íbúð þar sem ég mun búa með syni mínum. það er í fyrsta skipti sem ég bý í íbúð án  fullorðins karlmanns Undecidedþað verður skrýtið en það er það sem ég vil þannig mig hlakkar bara til að byrja nýtt líf og ég AngelHare001csvona að 2008 verði mitt besta

What i am

In Heaven
I am a descending promise.

On earth
I am an ascending hope.

In God
I am a weeping prayer.


I see the hand that leads me.
Its name is duty.
I see the heart that feeds me.
Its name is purity.
I see the soul that frees me.
Its name is beauty.
I see the God who wields me.
His Name is Necessity.


Obey and trust,
Trust and obey.
Indeed, this is the short way
To the Goal of the Beyond.

Love and serve,
Serve and love.
Indeed, this is the shorter way
To the Goal of the Beyond.

Surrender and offer,
Offer and surrender.
Indeed, this is the shortest way
To the Goal of the Beyond.


It is an extra eye
That sees God's Beauty,
That eye is my heart.

It is an extra heart
That feels God's Satisfaction,
That heart is my soul.

It is an extra soul
That becomes God's Perfection,
That soul is God.


I live in the mind,
I think I know
More than I really know.

I live in the heart,
I know I am loved
More than I really love.


Look for the good:
Everything is God,
Everyone is God.

Look for God:
Everything is good:
Everyone is good.

Look for the good in me;
I shall not confuse you.

Look for the God in me;
I shall not disappoint you.


Lean upon my heart.
I shall give you
What I have and what I am:

Lean upon my soul.
I shall give you
What God has and what God is:


Her God is the Seed
Of eternal Silence.

Her soul is the seed
Of celestial Freedom.

Her heart is the seed
Of universal Love.

Her life is the seed
Of immortal Bliss.

~ Sri Chinmoy


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